The Alliance delegation paid a working visit to the Eurasian Economic Forum
On May 26, Bishkek hosted the first Eurasian Economic Forum, where official delegations from the EAEU states and the heads of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia discussed topical economic issues of the Eurasian space. The delegation of the Eurasian Business Alliance was also present at this Forum. During the Forum, representatives of the Alliance held a number of business meetings with representatives of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, with the Minister of the EAEU S. Glazyev, with deputies of national assemblies, attended business events, took an active part in the plenary sessions. Thus, the Vice-president of the Alliance, Yevgeny Shimanovsky, at the plenary session devoted to the alternative currency of the EAEU, made a proposal to introduce his own rating agency of the EAEU. The proposal caused a heated discussion and was included in the resolution of the Eurasian Economic Forum.