
First Vice-President of the Alliance met with the Governor of the Orenburg region

September 10, within the framework of business events of the international youth forum Eurasia, First Vice President of the Eurasian Business Alliance Tigran Shadunts, as part of the forum delegation, met with the Governor of the Orenburg region Yuri Berg. Vera Bashirova, Deputy Governor of the Government of the Orenburg Region for Internal Policy, representatives of the Forum Directorate, young people from the Republic of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Moldova, Armenia, Belarus, Azerbaijan and the Kyrgyz Republic and Russia participated in the meeting. The head of Orenburg region highly appreciated the level of the past event, underscoring the increased interest in this international educational platform. The Governor noted that the Orenburg region is a multiethnic region where representatives of 126 nationalities live, and the traditions of peace and friendship between peoples here originated even at the time of the founding of the region, three centuries ago. Today’s Orenburgers are continuers of these traditions. – By historical standards, most recently we were a single multinational people. Today we are citizens of sovereign, independent states. We are all patriots of our countries. And for the common good are obliged to preserve international friendship as an inheritance of our fathers and grandfathers. Orenburg is not for nothing called the heart of Eurasia, here in the literal and figurative sense of the crossroads connecting the East and West. The Orenburg region has concluded cooperation agreements with the regions of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Belarus and Armenia, similar agreements are being prepared with Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. The head of the Armenian delegation of the forum, the first vice-president of the Eurasian Business Alliance Tigran Shadunts noted in his speech that the recent meeting of the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikolo Pashinyan with the Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a new positive turn to the Armenian-Russian relations and in the near future Armenians will begin to carry out more active work in the Orenburg region.
– Undoubtedly, this work will be built not only with the Armenian diaspora of Orenburg region, which invited a delegation of the Republic of Armenia to visit the “Armenian House”. The velvet revolution in Armenia showed the close connection of the Armenian diasporas with their historical homeland. And there is no doubt that now Armenians around the world will conduct more active activities in various fields: in the field of people’s diplomacy, cultural exchange and interaction in the business sphere. This will be facilitated, among other things, by programs from the business agenda of the Eurasian Business Alliance.
2018-09-13 14:04